
The media information page contains press releases with the latest news from the divisions and the Group. You will also find ad hoc announcements, publications, presentations and pictures.

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First half-year 2021: Strong result in a dynamic environment
Demand for Bucher Industries’ products and services was strong in the first half of 2021. Order intake increased by 50% compared to the prior-year period. Despite difficulties in the supply chain, in logistics and in personnel recruitment, sales rose markedly, almost reaching the record level of 2019. The operating profit margin rose substantially. Operating profit and profit for the period practically doubled
Sustai­nability report 2020: New and more sustai­nable solutions for customers
Bucher Industries publishes its sustainability report 2020. The company reaffirms its sustainability strategy which consists of the four pillars “Customers”, “Employees”, “Environment” and “Compliance” and incorporates social, environmental and governance considerations. Bucher Industries uses the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards as the basis for its report on sustainability.
Bucher Hydraulics acquires Lenze Mobile Drives
Bucher Hydraulics, a division of Bucher Industries, is acquiring the mobile electric drive technology business of Lenze Schmidhauser in Romanshorn. Bucher is thus focusing more strongly on the trend towards electric mobility.
First quarter 2021: Strong increase in demand
The first quarter of 2021 was very dynamic for Bucher Industries overall and the Group saw demand for products and services increase in every division. Order intake grew by more than a third. The growth in sales was not as steep due to increasing challenges in production.
Annual general meeting approves all proposals of the Board of Directors
At today’s annual general meeting (AGM) of Bucher Industries AG, the shareholders agreed to all the proposals put forward by the board of directors. The dividend is CHF 6.50 per registered share. The AGM was held without the physical attendance of shareholders. A total of 73.46% of the votes were represented by the independent proxy holder.
Financial year 2020: Robust profita­bility under difficult conditions
The strong drop in demand in the first half of the year was followed by a recovery from mid-year onwards, which gained momentum towards the end of the reporting period. Sales were below last year’s record-high level. The operating profit margin was 7.4% and profit for the year was CHF 152 million. The board of directors proposes a dividend of CHF 6.50 per share.
Financial year 2020: Robust business develop­ment in a difficult year
Demand for the products and services of Bucher Industries declined notably in the first half of 2020 as a consequence of the spread of COVID-19. A recovery set in at mid-year and gained momentum towards the end of the reporting period, but order intake and sales were nevertheless lower overall. The Group expects the operating profit margin for 2020 to be slightly higher than at mid-year and profit for the period to be correspondingly lower versus 2019.
Third quarter 2020: Recovery in the third quarter 
The demand for Bucher Industries’ products and services normalised in the third quarter. Most production sites could resume operations without any notable restrictions and deliver to customers. The financial position of the Group remains solid.

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