Material topics

Valuable customer relationships

Management approach
Our divisions operate in a variety of markets and our customer base is correspondingly diverse. With over 100 sites worldwide, our employees are close to our customers and keenly acquainted with their needs. They support them on site with spare parts, expertise, training and services as needed. Our customer relationships are geared to the long term and are a key component of Bucher Industries’ strategy. We strive to offer products and services that go beyond the market standard and inspire users.

Precautionary actions and measures
Regular discussions are held with customers to ensure that Bucher Industries knows its customers and is able to offer them added value. Modern management systems or digital platforms such as “MyKUHN” or “Bucher Connect” are also used here. Our Code of Conduct for employees states that we will conduct ourselves fairly and properly towards our customers and will do business with integrity and in a professional manner.

Information on the financial year 2024
Bucher Industries was assessed as a supplier on the “EcoVadis” platform and achieved a bronze rating in 2024.

Innovative products and optimal solutions

Management approach
Our customers’ needs and anticipated future requirements flow into our divisions’ research and development activities. This enables us to offer products, solutions and services that are not only technologically and environmentally impressive, but also safe to use and user friendly – thereby ensuring our current and future success.

Precautionary actions and measures
With our research and development activities, we strive to make our machines more efficient and easier to use. In addition, we strive to continuously update our offering, promote innovation, create added value, ensure our products are ergonomic and safe to use, and reduce production costs.

Information on the financial year 2024
In the reporting period, CHF 139.5 million was invested in research and development, which corresponded to 4.4% (2023: 3.7%) of sales. The divisions again launched innovative products on the market, with a focus on increasing efficiency, advancing automation and reducing environmental impact during operation. The divisions offered training, services and products tailored to specific requirements, intended to help customers use the increasingly complex products and meet their needs. Examples of this are presented in the divisional reports.

Customer health and safety

Management approach
We attach great importance to our customers’ health and safety, right from product development through to product manufacture, operation and final disposal.

Precautionary actions and measures
Our divisions ensure – by means of technical safety precautions, regulatory compliance, regularly reviewed and updated product information, and instructions and training for their customers – that their products are safe to use. Ensuring that products are safe to use – by training customers, for example – is not only a matter of concern for Bucher Industries, but also part of our commitment to respecting human rights. Therefore, also cyber security has high priority as a topic because our products, solutions and services are digitally networked. Specialists in the divisions, supported by the central information security unit, are charged with implementing the Group-wide requirements and measures.

Information on the financial year 2024
During the reporting period, no incidents with a significant negative impact on customer health and safety were caused by failures on the part of Bucher Industries to comply with safety regulations. As at year-end 2023, one incident had been reported. It transpired that this incident had a significant negative impact on customer health and safety, and is currently under investigation. As a precautionary measure, a recall was instigated and the critical component replaced. A case pending before the courts from the prior years was resolved during the reporting period by means of a settlement. In the opinion of Bucher Industries, this case was not caused by product defects.

Further ESG pillars

Human rights

Further information on the human rights due diligence obligations can be found under this link.