Our material topics

Our Group is founded on our products and solutions with which we make our contribution to society, our responsible corporate governance and our economic value creation. Our environment, in turn, also has a significant impact on our company. When determining our material topics, both of these perspectives were taken into consideration and confirmed through a survey conducted among various stakeholders. We see nine topics as being material for us in the area of the environment, social affairs and ethics. We have outlined our management approaches, where meaningful and possible, determined key indicators and set quantitative targets, as well as explained the respective developments in the reporting year. We monitor target achievement and reflect it in our management’s remuneration.

Our environmental, social and ethics report has been prepared with reference to the GRI standards (Global Reporting Initiative standards) and complies with the requirements for non-financial reporting under the Swiss Code of Obligations (art. 964ff. CO). Since Bucher Industries and its divisions have not imported or processed any conflict materials in Switzerland and the EU, and we apply internationally recognised regulations in their entirety regarding child labour, we are exempt from the due diligence and reporting obligations in these two areas under the Ordinance on Due Diligence and Transparency in relation to Minerals and Metals from Conflict-Affected Areas and Child Labour (art. 4 DDTrO and art. 9 DDTrO).

Key indicators and targets

Topic 1)

Key indicator and target



Valuable customer relationships

Maintain and increase our market share

n.a. 2)

Innovative products and optimal solutions

Expenditure on research and development is 4% to 5% of sales over a business cycle


Customer health and safety

No incidents with a significant negative impact on customer safety or health caused by any failures on our part to comply with safety regulations

(A case from the 2023 reporting period is still under investigation)


Positive working environment

  • Proportion of employee resignations to total permanent employees less than 5%


  • Keeping the accident frequency rate as low as possible

AFR Index 11

  • No proven cases of discrimination

No proven cases

Qualified employees

  • Over 22 hours of further training per employee per year

28 hours

  • Two thirds of senior management recruited internally



Resource efficiency in production with focus on reducing CO2 emissions

Reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 intensity (measured as CO2 emissions in relation to value added) by at least 10% by 2026 compared to 2021

Due to the exceeding of the target value, the above target will be replaced by the following new target valid from 1 January 2025: Reducing Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions by 25% by 2028 compared with 2021

20 to 30% reduction in CO2 intensity

Environmental impact of our products and services

Significantly increasing the efficiency of products and solutions with a focus on reducing resources and CO2 emissions

n.a. 3)


Compliance with laws and regulations

  • No material incidents regarding our compliance with laws and regulations


  • Full compliance training for all affected employees


  • No significant deviations from our Group-wide requirements for risk controls (in accordance with our internal control system BICS)


Supply chain – sound procurement practices

Key indicators and targets are developed in line with any planned legal regulations


1) Bucher Industries’ water consumption data were collected and aggregated until the 2018 reporting period. As our activities are not water-intensive, we have stopped collecting these data in a centralised way since the 2019 financial year and have increased our focus on the topic of energy. However, reducing water consumption remains a key concern – especially at sites that are located in areas with precarious water supplies.

2) Not published for confidentiality reasons

3) Bucher Industries is in the process of expanding its climate reporting and enhancing greenhouse gas emission calculations, particularly in the area of Scope 3 emissions.

ESG pillars

Human rights

Further information on the human rights due diligence obligations can be found under this link.