Sustainability strategy

We are passionate about developing machines and solutions that our customers can trust. We make a sustainable contribution to feeding the world, producing and preserving beverages, and creating, maintaining and cleaning infrastructure. For a safe and healthy life for all.

Our success is built on proximity to the markets, innovation and flexible, efficient structures. The consistent long-term orientation of our corporate strategy, coupled with decentralised responsibility for management and performance, underpins our sustainable corporate development.

Sustainability governance

Sustainability is firmly embedded within our organisation, with responsibilities clearly defined at all levels and closely linked to our strategy. The board of directors is responsible for the development and implementation of the sustainability strategy and policies. The oversight of non-financial reporting has been delegated to the Audit Committee and the implementation to the members of group management. The group management regularly informs the board of directors about current developments. The Group's interdepartmental ESG team collaborates on the implementation of the sustainability strategy and policies and works closely with divisional ESG coordinators. 

Environment, social affairs and ethics

Through our sustainability strategy focusing on the four pillars Customers, Employees, Environment, and Compliance, longevity is ingrained and sustained in the core business of Bucher Industries. The sustainability strategy encompasses ecological, social and ethical aspects. Within these pillars, we identified nine material topics. We have described their management approaches, established metrics and quantitative objectives where feasible, and listed measures, precautionary actions, and current information for each year.

Additional information

Further information regarding the human rights due diligence obligations can be found under this link.

ESG ratings

With the increasing demand for ESG information, the importance of transparent reporting and comparable data is also growing. We contribute to this by actively fostering the exchange with rating agencies and undergoing evaluations by agencies based on ESG criteria.

Additional information

Stories from the annual reports