Positive working environment
Management approach
We want to be an attractive and fair employer that offers its employees an exciting place to work where they can get involved and contribute their ideas. For this reason, it is important to create a working environment in which employees feel safe and respected, with an inclusive and non-discriminatory culture. We place value on an active social dialogue with employee organisations and regular briefings and informal meetings with our employees, followed by question and answer sessions. We ensure freedom of association, collective bargaining and fair working conditions.
Precautionary actions and measures
An important management tool is the annual appraisal meeting, during which we discuss the appraisal itself, further training and development opportunities, and the employment relationship more generally. We agree on annual targets with most employees and for managers, these are linked to performance related variable remuneration.
Health and safety at the workplace is also a key concern for us. We comply with all laws and regulations that govern occupational health and safety in each country. All of our production sites have appropriate management systems, regulations, policies and procedures specific to their production environments, have a Health and Safety Officer, and conduct regular training sessions as well as internal and external inspections. After any acquisition, we gradually introduce the new site to the standards of Bucher Industries. And, wherever possible, we automate any tasks that involve heightened health and safety risks.
The Code of Conduct sets out the rights and obligations of the employees of Bucher Industries. All employees can expect that the Group companies will always perform their duties as employers in a timely and proper manner. The companies can, in turn, expect their employees to work to the best of their abilities. The common values, principles and standards for dealing with employees are laid down in the Human Rights Statement and an Employee Policy. The divisions themselves are responsible for implementing these values, principles and standards. We are a signatory to the UN Global Compact and endorse its principles on human rights and labour standards.
We ensure that everyone is given equal opportunities. We make decisions regarding recruitment, employment, further training and development, and promotions objectively and base those decisions on qualifications, skills and performance, and attitudes, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, or physical or mental disabilities. We also encourage the promotion of employees from within our own ranks.
Our online whistleblower system gives employees the opportunity to file complaints. We also investigate anonymous reports.
Information on the financial year 2023
The low proportion of women of 15% at Bucher Industries is due to the fact that recruitment pool for jobs in the engineering industry tends to be dominated by men. Bucher Industries is committed to working together with educational institutions and offering flexible working hours to attract, retain, and promote more female employees. The situation on the labour markets remained tense, and it was difficult to recruit and retain qualified workers, especially in the USA. Bucher Industries regularly conducts employee surveys across various business units. The findings from the surveys are used to implement targeted and site-specific measures to further increase employee satisfaction. The accident frequency rate (AFR) was disclosed for the first time in the reporting period.
In 2023, Bucher Industries reported ten accidents per million standard working hours, resulting in more than one day of absence. Keeping the accident frequency rate as low as possible is an important goal for Bucher Industries. For this reason, a higher number of training sessions were held in the reporting period on the topic of health and safety.
In addition, various business units regularly conduct pay equality analyses. The analyses covered one third of the employees. Two unwarranted pay discrepancies were identified at one site, which were immediately resolved. There were no proven cases of discrimination at Bucher Industries during the reporting period. Any cases involving allegations of harassment were investigated. In four cases, the allegations were substantiated, which led to appropriate personnel consequences.
Qualified employees
Management approach
It is important to us that the personnel and staff we employ for the various roles and duties at the company are optimally qualified for the job. In this way, we are able to improve the Group’s performance while at the same time building a team of motivated employees who form the basis for our culture of trust.
Precautionary actions and measures
We encourage and challenge our employees according to their interests and skills and offer them opportunities to develop within the company, whether through external training and development opportunities or internal development offerings and leadership training. At the group level, there are various training programmes that bring employees from all divisions together. These programmes aim to communicate Bucher Industries’ culture and values and to strengthen cohesion within the Group, in addition to imparting technical content and strengthening employees’ social and personal skills.
Information on the financial year 2023
The year 2023 saw significant investments in the further training of employees, and the number of actual training hours reached 29 hours, exceeding the target significantly. One of the reasons for this was the introduction of ERP systems in several divisions, with appropriate training provided to employees. There was also a significant increase in the number of health and safety training hours. The business units, comprising a total of three quarters of all employees, conducted external or internal audits on occupational health and safety. In the reporting period, a total of one third of all employees worked in accordance with occupational health and safety management systems, which are certified according to ISO 45001. Almost two thirds of these managers were promoted to these functions from internal positions.
Human rights
Further information on the human rights due diligence obligations can be found under this link.