
The media information page contains press releases with the latest news from the divisions and the Group. You will also find ad hoc announcements, publications, presentations and pictures.

Ad hoc announcements pursuant to article 53 listing rule

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Financial year 2021: Exceptio­nally high demand
Bucher Industries’ products and services enjoyed extremely strong demand in 2021. Order intake grew by more than a third. The divisions were faced with major challenges in the supply chain and logistics as well as staff bottlenecks, yet they succeeded in coping with them very well. Sales increased substantially as a result, ending the year slightly ahead of the high 2019 figures. The operating profit margin is likely to exceed the target of 10%, with a corresponding marked rise in the profit for the year.
Bucher Municipal puts IT systems back into operation
The division Bucher Municipal is starting up the IT infrastructure in stages after extensive analysis and clean-up. The tried and tested monitoring and defence systems have been further strengthened. Bucher Industries does not expect a material impact on the operating result for 2021.
Bucher Municipal shuts down IT infra­structure
Bucher Industries’ monitoring systems identified an attack by malware on the IT infrastructure of the division Bucher Municipal. To avert possible damage, the company immediately initiated the necessary security measures.
Third quarter 2021: Strong increase in demand and order book
Demand for Bucher Industries products and services was at a very high level in the first nine months of 2021. Order intake rose by half over the prior-year period. Sales hit the record level of 2019, despite the fact that the divisions were faced with major challenges in the supply chain and logistics as well as staff shortages.
First half-year 2021: Strong result in a dynamic environment
Demand for Bucher Industries’ products and services was strong in the first half of 2021. Order intake increased by 50% compared to the prior-year period. Despite difficulties in the supply chain, in logistics and in personnel recruitment, sales rose markedly, almost reaching the record level of 2019. The operating profit margin rose substantially. Operating profit and profit for the period practically doubled

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