...Employees Our success is due to our employees’ expertise and high level of commitment. We offer them attractive jobs in which they can contribute to solving global challenges. We create a working envi...
...Additional performance measures Internally and externally Bucher Industries uses key figures that are not defined by Swiss GAAP FER. In accordance with the directive on the use of additional performan...
...ESG ratings With the increasing demand for ESG information, the importance of transparent reporting and comparable data is also growing. We contribute to this by actively fostering the exchange with r...
...Working at Bucher Industries Do you want to work for a global company that manufactures high-quality products that are technologically, economically and ecologically convincing? Then Bucher Industries...
...We would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his many years of dedicated service and the entrepreneurial thinking he brought to the strategic positioning of the Group and the divisions. His...
...As in the previous year, the annual general meeting of Bucher Industries was held in accordance with the Federal Council Ordinance on Measures to Combat the Coronavirus (COVID-19 Ordinance 3) without ...
...With long-term succession planning in mind, the board of directors of Bucher Industries AG proposes to the annual general meeting on 12 April 2022 that Mr Stefan Scheiber be elected as a new board mem...