...Compliance An important aspect of Bucher Industries’ more than 200-year success story is that it has a strong corporate culture with a long-term orientation. It is based on compliance with the law as ...
...Human rights Bucher Industries understands that its business dealings wherever it operates can have an impact on human rights, whether through its own activity or that of its business relationships al...
...Bucher Specials Bucher Specials comprises four business units. One focus is on equipment for the production of wine, fruit juice, beer and instant products. The division also includes the Swiss distri...
...Environment, social affairs and ethics Through our sustainability strategy focusing on the four pillars Customers, Employees, Environment, and Compliance, long-term orientation is ingrained and sustai...
...Customers With over 100 sites worldwide, we are close to the markets and know our customers. We offer them innovative products and solutions together with outstanding service. We attach great importan...
...The business economist has many years of management experience in an international industrial environment and is a German citizen. Manja Greimeier worked for the French automotive supplier Valeo for 1...
...At the annual general meeting, which was held today at the Mövenpick Hotel in Regensdorf, the Group reported that 2023 had been a very successful financial year. Thanks to the hard work of the employe...